Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Prayer for My Precious HUSBAND

I cant thank you enough Arlene for your post for prayer for Ronnie! Thank you all so much for listening to the call and responding! God will bless you all for your obiedence!

The devil is a liar..my husband is healed, in Jesus Name. I will not let this steal my joy or peace and I know that the victory has already been won and BY HIS STRIPES...Ron is already healed! I am cursing the symptoms and asking God to make this go away!! I dont even want surgery or a biospy to even happen...I want this to just disappear.

I will make an appt today with a surgeon! I will do whatever I need to ..because I know God has given us wisdom and the docs are there to help us! When Ron had cancer in the past...every doc that laid his hands on Ron I prayed that those hands would be used by HIM!!

I will not fear....I will stand on the top of the mountain and declare BY HIS STRIPES!! and I thank you all for standing...agreeing with us!

Arlene.........you are healed my sister!!

We love and thank you all!
Ron and Lisa